Election Cycle Self-Care

The headline was Episcopalians on ‘cutting edge’ with election season pastoral care … with the subtitle “Churches have role to play in helping people with political anxiety” … and the article included research by the American Psychological Association indicating that “more than half (52 percent) of American adults report the 2016 election is a very or somewhat significant source of stress.”

Our civic environment is quite literally polluted by the toxin of anxiety. At All Saints we believe we not only have a role in helping those dealing with political anxiety as we lead up to Election Day but a responsibility to be agents of change in cleaning up the toxic waste that will remain on November 9th.

It will be a long process — make no mistake about it. But we are in it for the long haul. And so here are some Election Self-Care Suggestions as we look ahead to Election Day and beyond :

Read the Episcopal News article linked here and benefit from the wisdom on Brian Baker, Byron Rushing and Marianne Budde — among others — including the challenge to be agents of reconciliation after the election.

“Everybody who wants to engage in reconciliation around this particular time in our history has to know that they’re all going to be on the cutting edge.” Byron Rushing

Watch Bishop Gene Robinson’s October 30th Rector’s Forum “Is there life after November 8th?” here.

“I just want you to know that I am not always optimistic. But I am always hopeful. Optimism depends on the goodness of people, and hope depends upon the goodness of God.” Gene Robinson

Vote on November 8th and exercise your sacred duty to put your faith into action.

“Voting and participation in our government is a way of participating in our common life. Indeed, we who follow in the Way of Jesus of Nazareth are summoned to participate actively as reflections of our faith in the civil process.” Michael Curry

Pray for the health and healing of our nation on Election Day at our Noonday Eucharist. (12:10 p.m. in the chapel)

Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of officials and representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Reflect: On Sunday evening, November 13 at 5pm join us for a Post-Election Contemplative Eucharist 

Mike Kinman presides. Coventry Choir offers music of Nick Strimple and the premiere of Bruce Babcock’s Lord, It Is Night. Daniel Ramon and James Walker play music for flute and piano by Fauré and Poulenc.

Your prescription for Election Cycle Self-Care: Strategize how to give yourself what you need and prioritize opportunities for contemplation, reflection, renewal and recommitment as we join together in the ongoing work of being beacons of God’s love, justice and compassion — before, during and after the Election Cycle!
