Featured Ministry: Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction has been part of the Christian tradition for centuries in which a trained spiritual guide can assist an individual in growing as a person and in relationship with God. It is the art of listening both to the person seeking spiritual direction and to God’s Spirit. Our active Spiritual Direction ministry has been an important part of the spiritual journeys of countless All Saints members. Here are a few of their stories:

  • I have benefited from Spiritual Direction and found it helpful in grounding my faith in the miracle of God’s LOVE. Spiritual Direction has sustained me in the pain of my losses and continues to open me to God’s Spirit and energy. Margo Webb-Foltz
  • To be a part of someone’s path of embracing an understanding of the Spirit’s presence in their lives enhances my own journey. I love being a spiritual director/companion, as it is a privilege to share in a person’s sacred search. Louise Fox
  • I go to my spiritual director for companionship on my journey inward toward God and to where that might lead. While I often come with something to talk about, I begin with whatever note the Spirit sings in my soul at the moment. That is always what I actually need to talk about. Maggie
  • Spiritual Direction is the most important, most meaningful thing I do in my life. I say, “I do,” which is, of course, not true. My task is to be fully present, listen deeply, let go of my need to be “successful” and know that the Holy Spirit is also present and at work. Therefore, I don’t need to have answers, though questioning compassionately sometimes helps me move toward my own answers. The Spirit will somehow redeem any “mistakes” I may make in good faith. In no other area of my life am I so certain that this is true. Thus I am freed from fear of failure. Of course, I sometimes fail to remember this, but still the session itself is Holy and the outcome doesn’t depend on me. Jeanne Roach
  • Spiritual direction grounds me in the deepening connection with the Divine. Through the companioning of my spiritual director, the journey through life’s challenges are illuminated. Connie

For more information visit the table on the lawn, or you may leave a confidential message at 626.583.755 and the intake coordinator will call you to schedule a meeting.
