Parent Culture

A parent group for families with children birth to 5th grade. Parent Culture meets every Sunday at 10:15 while our children are in Sunday School and you are welcome to join us.

Parish Celebrations

Parish Celebrations is dedicated to enhancing the caring mission at All Saints. Parish Celebrations plans and coordinates events during the church year that enable parish members to come together in God’s name as a community dedicated to a journey of spiritual growth.

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests can be submitted on the prayer cards in the pew racks at church, on the All Saints Church website or by calling 626.583.2707 to leave a message that will be picked up by the Pastoral Care office.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

This ministry supports parishioners who are dealing with particularly trying and/or tragic life events by providing them a hand-made prayer shawl, as a mantle of healing and comfort.

Racial Justice Ministry

The Racial Justice Ministry, COLORS (Christians Offering Love to Overcome Racism in Society) mission is to challenge bias and racism in ourselves and in our communities both locally and nationally.
