Truth-Telling and Justice for Victims of Sexual Assault: December 3 Rector’s Forum

“If I had been asked to sit here two months ago I don’t know that I would have. Every day it’s getting better, and I hope that it continues and doesn’t just become last week’s news.” ~ Janet Carol Norton

On Sunday, December 3, 2017 five powerfully courageous women sat down at All Saints Church for a conversation on the power of truth telling to dismantle the patriarchy, disempower predators and shatter glass ceilings.

Karen Alexander, Amy Brenneman, Quinn Cummings, Janet Carol Norton and Erin O’Malley shared their stories and offered their hard-won wisdom from their context as artists and leaders in the entertainment industry as inspiration in the struggle to end the dehumanization and objectification of women in all walks of life.

Days later TIME Magazine declared “The Silence Breakers” their 2017 Person of the Year. Scripture tells us that the truth will set us free (John 8:32) and All Saints is committed to living out that scriptural warrant by supporting, amplifying and — if necessary — protecting the truth tellers doing the Gospel work of making this nation and this world a safe place for every single member of God’s beloved human family.

Watch. Learn. Share. And stay tuned for ways we can all be partners in the struggle to tell the truth, to break the silence and to change the world.

For more on how the power of lament and truth telling to break the silence of millennia of oppression, listen to Mike Kinman’s December 3rd sermon “When Lament is Liberation” … A powerful sermon amplifying the voices of women lamenting the abuse and subjugation experienced by women through the ages – and calling the church to break its silent complicity in the creation of a culture that dehumanizes women.

“Lament is the power of truth that makes the powerful tremble and gives the powerless strength.”

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