All Saints Church Is #OpenToAll

In wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop vs. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, it is critical we join together to show that the majority of Americans believe that businesses should be #OpenToAll!

This Sunday All Saints Church offering a two-step action plan.

Step One is joining the HRC social media action to make the statement that we won’t tolerate discrimination in any form. For each signer, they will place an equality pin on the map to show that across the country we are uniting against discrimination!

After you take action, you’ll have the option to download an OPEN TO ALL sign. Then, give it to a business in your neighborhood to display. Together, we can make a powerful statement by placing signs in storefronts across the country… from the smallest of towns to large cities and everywhere in between. Together can send a message that our society values inclusion — not discrimination.

Visit this link  to participate in the online action.

 Step Two: Across the nation the “Wedding Cake Case” decision has inspired Christians to rise up in protest against their religion being weaponized to discriminate against LGBTQ people. Here at All Saints Church we not only think Jesus would bake the cake … we’re going one step further and going to bake our own cakes for a “cake potluck” as outward and visible signs of God’s inclusive love available to absolutely everybody. So bring a cake to share and mingle with old friends or meet some new ones at the cake table on the lawn … and then take your picture with our #OpenToAll poster and share it on social media … with the hashtag #OpenToAll @ASCpas

For more information contact Jamie Hebert at or 626.583.2765
