A Blessing on the Women’s March

On Saturday, January 19 literally millions of Americans will take to the streets for the third annual Women’s Marches. From the Women’s March LA website:

Women’s March Los Angeles Foundation invites all Angelenos to join us as we march on January 19, 2019 in Downtown LA to speak Truth To Power. It’s been a tumultuous year and we are marching to show our elected representatives that we are holding them accountable for every imprint they make on our democracy. Women are rebuilding our democracy to once again represent We The People, one marcher at a time. Our democratic system only works when we participate and when we hold politicians accountable. This is an inclusive, non-partisan march, and everyone who supports women’s rights is welcome.

Details on the L.A. Women’s March agenda are available here … and All Saints participants are encouraged to post photos to our Facebook Group , to tag them with @ASCpas on Twitter or to email them to info@allsaints-pas.org for us to include in our album.

On Sunday, January 13th here at All Saints, Sally Howard and Susan Russell offered the following blessing and sending for all those participating in the upcoming Women’s March 2019:

Blessing of Women’s March Participants

On this Healing Sunday we recognize that when we stand up for the rights of women, for black and brown people, for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and non-binary people, for anyone the world puts down and casts aside, we are a part of God’s work of healing in our nation and in our world.

On Saturday, January 19th the Third Annual Women’s March will take to the streets of our nation as an outward and visible sign of that work of healing. And so today we invite all those who are marching on Saturday to stand for a blessing and commissioning as you prepare to put your faith and your feet into action.

We send you forth in Christ’s name
to march as witnesses
of God’s passion for justice and love for all creation.
May God grant you safety in journey,
strength in body,
courage in spirit
and clarity in word and action.
May your witness inspire us all
to witness boldly
to God’s justice, compassion and love
wherever we go.

[photo: Women’s March LA 2018, Susan Russell]
