A Fond Farewell to All Saints Staffer Jim Loduha

Earlier this week Mike Kinman sent the following letter to the parish:

It is with a mixture of sadness and excitement that I share that All Saints Church’s Senior Director of Development and Giving, Jim Loduha, will be leaving that position effective Thursday, Sept. 13.

The sadness, of course, is because Jim has not only been spectacular in transforming our development and giving program, he has been a pastoral presence, treasured colleague and trusted friend to All Saints Church for the past four and a half years.

The excitement is for Jim. He leaves us to pursue a new opportunity in the Cal State University system that will enable him to build something from the ground up. I’m excited that our time together has prepared him for this new challenge and as much as we will miss him, I cannot help but be happy for Jim as he moves on.

The excitement is also for us. Change is opportunity and I am eager to see what — and who — God has in store for us next. We are blessed with an amazing Giving Committee, chaired by Terry Knowles, spectacular volunteer teams and wonderful staff in our administrative and giving offices. We are in excellent shape as we head into the fall giving campaign and although Jim’s absence will be felt, it does nothing to dampen my enthusiasm for the months and years ahead.

I hope you will join me in sending him off with copious amounts of love and good wishes.

This Sunday — September 9 — we will have the chance to send Jim off “All Saints Style” with cake-on-the-lawn after the 9:00, 11:15 and 1:00 services (and pastries after 7:30 a.m.)

Join us as we give thanks for Jim’s work and witness here at All Saints as he begins this next new exciting chapter in his journey.
