
Type: petition
Category: Actions, Get Involved, Peace and Justice Ministries
Tags: Action of the Week, End the War on Drugs, Faith in Action, War on Drugs
Start: 06/30/2021 5:00 pm
Ends: 07/09/2021 5:00 pm
Organizer: Thomas Diaz

Every week at All Saints Church we put our faith into action. This week we are urging President Biden to begin ending the War on Drugs by commuting the sentences of people incarcerated for federal drug offenses.

The War on Drugs has now lasted 50 years – so let’s be clear on a few facts that bear repeating.

First, since President Nixon started the War on Drugs in 1971, the government has pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into law enforcement agencies, which has never-the-less failed to reduce drug abuse or overdose rates.

Second, the War on Drugs is a racist war that has led to the over-surveillance and incarceration of millions of people, who are disproportionately Black, Latinx, and Indigenous. Today, Black people are 3.64 times likelier to be arrested for marijuana possession than white people, despite similar usage rates.

Finally, the War on Drugs has not solved any problems associated with drug use and the majority of Americans are ready for a new approach based on public health – 83% of voters across an otherwise divided political spectrum believe the War on Drugs has failed.

50 years of failed policy is 50 years too many. Tell President Biden to take action and begin to end the War on Drugs now.

Take Action

Every week at All Saints Church we put our faith into action. This week we are urging President Biden to begin ending the War on Drugs by commuting the sentences of people incarcerated for federal drug offenses.
