
Type: petition
Category: Actions, Get Involved, Peace and Justice Ministries
Tags: AB 280, Action of the Week, California Mandela Act, California State Senate, NRCAT, solitary confinement, state senate, torture
Start: 06/15/2023 7:00 am
Ends: 06/25/2023 5:00 pm
Organizer: Thomas Diaz

Every week at All Saints Church we put our faith into action. This week our action focuses on solitary confinement. We are joining with the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT) and other groups in supporting the California Mandela Campaign’s support of the California Mandela Act (AB280).

The Act has passed the CA Assembly (56 to 16) and is now before the CA Senate. California can make history by passing the California Mandela Act on Solitary Confinement (AB280), legislation which would end prolonged isolation beyond 15 days in all California prisons, jails and detention facilities.

This legislation provides a clear definition of what constitutes solitary confinement across facilities in California and protects designated populations from ever being placed in solitary – including pregnant people, the elderly and those with certain disabilities. The California Mandela Act is also the first bill in the nation to also cover private immigrant detention facilities.

It is time for California to take its place in the national movement by passing and enacting the California Mandela Act on Solitary Confinement. This is an important opportunity to work in solidarity with the leadership of detained and formerly incarcerated individuals and their families who have worked tirelessly to end solitary confinement and have called upon us to join them in this sacred pursuit.

Please sign a letter to your member of the California State Senate supporting the passage of the California Mandela Act (AB280).

Options to Take Action:

  1. Sign a letter at the Action Table on Sunday.
  2. Download, sign and mail an action letter to your CA State Senator.
  3. Click on the link and sign NRCAT’s petition


If you ever need to look up your member of the U.S. House of Representatives or your U.S. Senators check here: and

To find contact information for your California State Senator or California State Assemblymember check here: and

Take Action

Every week at All Saints Church we put our faith into action. This week our action focuses on solitary confinement. We are joining with the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT) and other groups in supporting the California Mandela Campaign’s support of the California Mandela Act (AB280).
