All Saints Church 100% Voting Congregation Initiative

In partnership with LA Voice, All Saints Church will undertake efforts to make certain that ALL members in the congregation who are eligible to vote turn out to vote in the November 2020 General Election. In order to do this, volunteers are needed to ensure that members:

1) are registered to vote,
2) are informed about the ballot and how to vote, and
3) vote, on or before election day.

Volunteers are needed to call members of the congregation this summer. Training will be provided.


A phone bank team will be critical to gathering accurate data about the voter registration status and the election participation of our membership. Volunteers for the phone back effort will be trained prior to the start of the phone banking period. Training will cover: how to talk about the initiative; how to appropriately inquire about voting status; how to capture data; and how to follow up with questions/concerns and provided need voter information.

Volunteers will be assigned a group of church members who they will 1) contact by phone, and 2) email as needed (if phone calling is unsuccessful and/or to provide additional information needed). This effort will unfold over a two month period of time.

Volunteers will submit data gathered on their assigned group members on a weekly basis, to the staff point person(s), so that the church database can be updated regularly.


As time progresses and volunteers know the voting status and support needs of their group members, volunteers can then approach their members to 1) educate and inform them about upcoming ballot measures for the November election, 2) provide vote by mail instructions, 3) identify available polling locations for in-person voting, and 4) identify any other voting support needs of the member (access to mail, access to transportation, etc.). This effort will unfold over a two month period of time.


On election day (or leading up to), volunteers will confirm that group members have voted and capture data so we can, as a church, confirm how many members voted in the election.

Finally, volunteers will follow up with group members after the election, to administer an informal survey about their experience with the 100% voting congregation initiative.

Please contact Juliana Serrano at if you are interested in volunteering!
