All Saints Goes Dodger Blue Viral!

So almost exactly a year ago — October 30, 2017 — we declared “Dodger Blue Sunday” here at All Saints Church. A bunch of fans showed up in blue, we took a picture outside and we even sang “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” after the sermon.

It was a great day.

Fast forward to October 2018. The Dodgers are back in the thick of the pennant race and all of a sudden the Facebook video of our “take me out to the ballgame” moment in church shows up in the social media feed of @Pantone294 (the Uber-Dodger Fan Club) and … wait for it … Manny Machado shares it on his Instagram feed — with 399K followers. (And that’s K as in thousand … not K as in strikeouts!)

[click here to view on Instagram]

At last count the video had over 116,000 views, prompting our rector Mike Kinman to note more people have now seen him singing “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” than have heard him preach in over 20 years of ministry!

One of our core messages here at All Saints is “whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith there is a place for you here at All Saints Church.” And so whenever we get the chance to tell the good news of a church proclaiming the good news of God’s inclusive love to a wider bunch of folks looking for a place to live out their spiritual journey we’re excited. And so we’re THRILLED with this viral social media moment sharing this little bit of All Saints with the Dodger Blue community and beyond.

Thanks @Pantone294 and machados13 … and GO, DODGERS!
