All Saints Sunday, November 1: 11:15 a.m. Virtual Requiem Eucharist

Virtual Requiem Eucharist at All Saints Church, Pasadena, at 11:15 a.m. on All Saints Sunday, November 1, 2020. Mike Kinman preaches. Coventry Choir and Chamber Orchestra, directed by Weicheng Zhao offer Requiem for the Living by Dan Forrest. Readings: Video Meditation – Ecclesiasticus 44:1–10, 13–14 and Matthew 5:1–12.

Requiem for the Living projects a wide range of meaningful expression, from a biting essay on the vanity and pain of humankind to a plea for mercy, and finally a celebration of eternal light.

All Saints Sunday
It has been the custom in the Western Church to celebrate All Saints Day on November 1, remembering the lives of all who have died. At our parish celebration of this festival, we remember by name all those close to the life of this parish who have died since last All Saints Day. We return to the beautiful interior of All Saints. Ministers of the liturgy observe the social distance and safety protocols dictated by health care professionals and are in compliance with our diocesan guidelines. And while we all long for the time when we can safely return for in person congregational worship, being able to center our online service in our familiar and beloved sanctuary is one step toward that eventual goal.

Kelly Erin O’Phelan offers Children’s Chapel for the first 15 minutes.

Follow along with the service leaflet here:

Join us every Sunday of the “Safer at Home” period for services on Zoom at 11:15 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. (and Rector’s Forums at 10:00 a.m. when applicable). Know that you are loved!

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