Ash Wednesday – February 17

Ash Wednesday — the beginning of our annual forty day journey to Easter — is Wednesday, February 17 … the day when ashes are blessed, mixed with either holy oil or water, and imposed on the head with the sign of the cross.

The Ashes are usually made from burning the palm branches from the previous year’s Palm Sunday … however this year will be different. This year we will be creating ashes out of things in our lives we want to release or transform. We will take everyone’s offerings and burn them in a transforming fire on Shrove Tuesday – our ashes will be the remains of all we wish to release or transform, and we will wear them together.

  • What Keeps Me from Seeing the Truth that I Am Beloved of God?
  • Which Old Patterns, Beliefs or Experiences Would I Like to Release?
  • What in My Life Is in Need of Transformation?

Here’s how it will work:
We invite you to write a word or phrase that represents something that prevents you from living as a fully beloved child of God.

Then either:
• Bring it to the church, on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 16, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. and drop off your offering for the
fire and pick up a bag of goodies including some ashes-to-go. (Wear and/or decorate with your Mardi Gras
best! Please stay in your car.)
• Or email your word or phrase to (Put “For Ash Wedesday fire” in subject line)
• Or send in the mail to:
All Saints Church, Attn. Melissa Hayes – For Ash Wed. Fire, 132 N Euclid Ave, Pasadena CA 91101
• Or — we may be able to come by and pick up your offering and bring you ashes to go.
Contact (Put “For Ash Wed. Pick Up” in the subject line. Please send by Wed., Feb. 10.)

Per our Diocesan Covid Guidelines, we are unable to impose ashes this year — however — we can offer you the ashes-to-go which you may use as a family or impose on yourself on Ash Wednesday.

We will offer 3 services via Zoom on Ash Wednesday, February 17:
7:30 a.m. | 12:00 p.m. | 6:30 p.m.

(Links will be available on our Live Stream page) and – we will offer a short family service you may download and use at your own convenience. Link:

