Blessing of the Backpacks at All Saints Church

“God of Wisdom, we give you thanks for students and teachers and for opportunities to explore, learn and play…”

Blessing for all students at the beginning of the new school year, at All Saints Church on Sunday, August 27, 2017, by Mike Kinman.

Blessing of the Backpacks:

God of Wisdom, we give you thanks for students and teachers and for opportunities to explore, learn and play. We thank you for this fresh start; tools for learning and new ideas. We thank you for the gifts of making mistakes and trying again. Help us remember that asking questions is as important as answering them. We give you thanks for children, and we ask you to bless them with curiosity and courage, understanding and respect. May these backpacks and school supplies be a sign to these learners that they have everything they need to grow this year in school. May they be guided by your love. Amen.

~Based on a prayer by Wendy Claire Barrie
