Blessing of the Backpacks & Blessing of Everyone Involved in Education

Here’s the litany for Blessing of the Backpacks, from from the 9, 11:15 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. services at All Saints Church on Children, Youth and Families Sunday, September 8, 2019.

Children/youth, parents, teachers and administrators come to the front.

Priest: As another school year begins, let us pray, extending a hand of blessing if you choose. For all who are going back to school this fall. For students, teachers, administrators, staff, bus drivers, coaches, room parents, school board members. For all who teach and all who learn and all whose labors make teaching and learning possible.

People: Thank you for these wonderful people, loving God,

Priest: For a spirit of adventure and joy of learning. For inquiring and discerning hearts and diligence in studying. For the courage to ask the scary question, admit they don’t know the answer and the grace to seek wisdom even from people they don’t like or with whom we disagree.

People: Grant all of us these things, loving God.

Priest: For protection as they travel to and from school. For protection from bullies and the temptation to bully. For courage in the face of the pressure of the crowd. For trust in your love at times where they feel unlovable.

People: Guard them and guide them, loving God.

Priest: For all who do not have access to quality education. For children who live on the streets or sleep on neighbors couches. For children who go to school hungry and get no help with their homework. For children whose classroom is the shade of a tree and who walk miles for a drink of water. For teachers who are paid poorly or not at all.

People: Make us determined and help us to love them better, loving God.

Priest: For our many different families. For strength as stresses mount and days get fuller. For your love to bind us together as we all grow into new roles in new places. For the ability to continue to spend time together as families and for the grace to have hard conversations and share those things together of which we are afraid. For the grace of parents and caregivers to remember what it was like to be children and the grace of children to remember that their parents and caregivers actually might know something.

People: Grant us all your grace, loving God.

Everyone is invited to hold up their backpack or other item.

Priest and people: Holy and loving God, bless these backpacks and other items to be signs of your love for us and your dream for us always to learn and grow. As those who carry them go about their year, help them learn more about you through learning about your creation. Help them discover themselves as created in your image as scientists and artists, as historians and athletes, as writers and dreamers. Continually draw them back to this space to share what they have learned and to learn from your Word in scripture and prayer. And keep them safe and under your blessed care this year and always. Amen.

Parents’/Cargivers’ Blessing

Parents/caregivers place hands on child’s shoulder, and all say
May God bless you and keep you;
May you always know God’s love for you.
May you always know my love for you.
And may you continue to grow in grace and strength. Amen.
