July 22, 2020
Reframing the ‘Erasing History’ Narrative: July 19 Rector’s Forum
Wil Gafney joins Susan Russell in the Virtual Rector’s Forum for an important conversation exploring the historic pattern
July 22, 2020
Wil Gafney joins Susan Russell in the Virtual Rector’s Forum for an important conversation exploring the historic pattern
July 19, 2020
Let there be peace among us and let us not be instruments of our own or others’ oppression.
July 16, 2020
Union Station has the chance to win $100,000 for their life-saving programs as one of 25 organizations selected
July 16, 2020
Feast & Friendship online gatherings are offered to create connection and sustain our All Saints Community during this
July 15, 2020
This week we celebrate the Feast of Mary of Magdalene – our annual commemoration of the ministry of the
July 13, 2020
Check out the Congregational Response Team videos, both Spanish and English versions, that premiered on Sunday, July 12.
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