December 23, 2016
Advent Meditation: December 23
by Antonio Gallardo As I continue to reflect upon the scriptures for this season around the conception and
December 23, 2016
by Antonio Gallardo As I continue to reflect upon the scriptures for this season around the conception and
December 22, 2016
Loving Our Differences by Jim Loduha Christmas time should be a season when we warmly embrace one another,
December 22, 2016
As Advent turns the corner toward Christmas, we are delighted to see our rector — Mike Kinman —
December 20, 2016
“Rebellions are built on hope.” Yes, it’s a quote from “Rogue One” — the latest installment in the
December 20, 2016
by Kelly Phelan This has been a whirlwind of an Advent. On the first Sunday of Advent I
December 20, 2016
Mike Kinman on Sunday, December 18, 2016: “The time for respectability is over. It is the time for
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