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Event Information

Start: September 29
End: September 29
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Category: Featured Events

Sunday Morning Live – Faith, Formation & Fellowship: Passing on the Kindness
with Ida Puliwa and Don Thomas

Sunday, September 29, 9:00 a.m. in the Guild Room and online.

In response to an act of kindness by a stranger, Ida Puliwa, the young Malawian founder of Othakarhaka – Passing on the Kindness – started a grass roots, sustainable, multi–village organization despite the opposition of the male leaders, who said “No, Ida, you cannot. You are only a girl!” Now, over 6,700 dues-paying village volunteers help one another with their crops while feeding the elderly and the orphans. Millions of trees have been planted. Agricultural innovations and hand-dug irrigation trenches have more than quadrupled food production. But Ida’s most striking accomplishment may be the empowerment of women, through literacy training and micro loans, as well as educating girls who have been delivered from the enslavement of illegal childhood marriages. With the help of friends in the US, including many at ASC, her organization is supporting hundreds of girls in secondary school and college. In conversation with Don Thomas and Thomas Diaz, Ida will share her remarkable story. Please join us and be inspired by what can result from one simple act of kindness and the deep faith of a visionary who knows the power of volunteerism and leading with, and through, kindness.


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Event Information

Start: September 29
End: September 29
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Category: Featured Events