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Event Information

Start: April 23, 2023
End: April 23, 2023
Time: 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Category: Featured Events, Worship

Fauré Requiem at All Saints

Sunday, April 23, 7:30 p.m. in the Church.

The USC Chamber Singers will return to All Saints Church with a performance of the stunning Fauré Requiem, featuring Dr. Weicheng Zhao at the organ. This summer, Dr. Tram Sparks, Department of Choral and Sacred Music Chair and Conductor of the Chamber Singers, will headline a festival performance of the piece this June at Carnegie Hall in New York City with the USC Chamber Singers and several choruses from across the country. Come hear the ensemble’s solo performance of this masterwork! Coupled with the Fauré are other works by modern composers, especially Zanaida Robles, one of All Saints’ soloists for more than a decade. Other works by composers will be featured including USC’s own choral professor Nick Strimple, Los Angeles natives Shawn Kirchner and Moira Smiley, DMA Choral Music student and member of the ensemble Duncan Toumi, and Roderick Williams.


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