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Event Information

Start: June 2, 2022
End: June 2, 2022
Time: 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Category: Featured Events
Watch the live stream at 1 p.m.

Join us on Thursday, June 2, at 12:30 p.m. for lunch on the lawn. We’ll move to Sweetland Hall for our main program which will offer an interactive experience focused on storytelling as it relates to legacy. An introduction to this storytelling will be Who Am I and How Would I Like to Be Remembered? As many in the room are grandparents, some exercises will ask for reflections concerning stories you heard from your grandparents or a wise elder from your childhood. What is a story you would like your grandchildren to know about you? If you could offer one wise opinion to an 8 year old in your family, what would it be? What would you have hoped to know from a wise elder when you were 20? Please bring a pen and paper to record your thoughts. We will have an opportunity to share stories and absorb the richness of memory and love…Come with an open heart.

All older adults are invited to join us. Bring a friend! Suggested donation of $10 for light lunch. Please RSVP to Amanda McCormick at 626.583.2732 or amccormick@allsaints-pas.org by Tuesday, May 31, so that we can plan lunch accordingly.

This month we will offer the presentation time at 1:00 p.m. on Zoom at https://allsaints-pas.zoom.us/j/84173325816?pwd=TnJhazlCd3J3aXJJQnpQQVQ0bmJ5QT09.


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