Taize Service

Prayer in the Taize style of worship is quiet and reflective, deeply peaceful and joyful, including simple songs and chants in different languages, readings, silences and prayers. Songs are sung many times over as a prayer of the heart and the focus of this service is on Christ and the cross, reconciliation and prayers for the suffering throughout the world. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, Forum, North Transept, South Transept

Roe V Wade Vigil – to held on Evening of Decision

On the evening of the Supreme Court’s decision (TBD), Planned Parenthood Pasadena/San Gabriel Valley will be holding space for supporters to come together and grieve the loss of our constitutional right to abortion. We will honor and acknowledge the millions of people who will no longer have access to care in their home state and who may come to California to seek the abortion they need or want, if they are able. Join us on decision day at 7:30 pm to light candles and hear a variety of speakers Location: Quad Lawn/Cloister
