Safe Haven Community Meeting (Thursdays)

The Safe Haven Bridge to Housing model was developed in collaboration with our partners at Union Station to address a severe shortage in shelter capacity and day centers, and the closing of City Hall, during the pandemic. The program follows the “housing first model” which is by far the most successful intervention nationwide for ameliorating the condition of homelessness. Location: Quad Lawn/Cloister

So You Want to Write! A Senior Saints Writing Group

A writing group whose mission is to help you create your best work, whether it's a memoir, a story, a poem, or a novel. You creative spirit will be nurtured and respected. Every second and fourth Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Location: Seminar Room

LGBTQ+ Study Group – on summer hiatus

Join us on August 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Jr High Room for an informal social evening with games and snacks. Our regular discussion group will resume in the fall. Location:
