Weekly Loving Kindness Meditation
Join us for this 20-minute online Loving Kindness Meditation at 7 a.m. every Wednesday. Pull up a comfy chair with your hot morning beverage or even listen while you are […]
Join us for this 20-minute online Loving Kindness Meditation at 7 a.m. every Wednesday. Pull up a comfy chair with your hot morning beverage or even listen while you are […]
Youth Study Room for kids needing time to study between events
Join our Youth Program every Wednesday night.
Thanksgiving Eve Service at 7:30 p.m., November 23. Prepare for your holiday weekend with family and friends with a centering Eucharist on Thanksgiving Eve. Mark Chase offers a meditation, Mike Kinman presides. The Coventry Choir Quartet offers music of Friedell, directed by Grace Chung. All are welcome to attend this beautiful, reflective service.