Holy Eucharist in Church with Choir at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome! For information go to All Saints Church webpage, www.allsaints-pas.org., Live Stream page. Information posted prior to each week's […]
Sunday, November 26, 11:30 a.m. -- 20/30’s Social Hour: Wreath Making All 20/30s are warmly invited to the November Social Hour following the 10 a.m. service for Advent I Wreath making. […]
Can we talk about Gaza? How? - Sunday, November 26, 12:00 Noon – 1:00 p.m. in the Forum. We'll have a conversation with two of our long-time Interfaith partners, Rabbi Heather Miller, founder of Keeping it Sacred, and Salam Al-Marayati, President of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, to talk about how we can talk about what is happening in Gaza in ways that respect a diversity of opinions and the dignity of every human being.
How are you coping with aging parents or the illness of your partner or relative? Are you feeling frustrated, discouraged, or alone? The Circle of Life is a support group […]
This is "bible study" with a difference. Our goal will be to heal and move beyond the misunderstanding, confusion, hurtful interpretation, oppression, and other ways our bible has been used […]