Overeaters Anonymous
A 12 Step recovery community of people who through shared experience, strength, and hope are recovering from unhealthy relationships with food and body image. All are welcome.
A 12 Step recovery community of people who through shared experience, strength, and hope are recovering from unhealthy relationships with food and body image. All are welcome.
This is an ongoing, closed, small group meeting of The Way of Love group.
Open to anyone who loves the arts, loves to share, and loves to learn. For everything from sharing our own artistic stories, to teaching our crafts, to field trips to […]
The Middle East Ministry presents: "Global Capitalism and Genocide in Palestine," Saturday, May 11, 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Learning Center. A teach-in event featuring guest speaker Dr. William Robinson, Distinguished Professor of Sociology at UC Santa Barbara. This will also be available on Zoom.