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Faith, Formation & Fellowship – For All the Saints

Sunday Morning Live: Faith, Formation & Fellowship - For All the Saints with Susan Russell. Sunday, November 3, 9:00 a.m. in the Guild Room. As we celebrate All Saints Sunday, Susan Russell will explore the many facets of sainthood.

Walk the Labyrinth All Saints Day 11.03.2024

A special time to take a few moments to be grateful and to reflect on those no longer physically with us who have touched our liveswho have loved, supported, challenged […]

Journey of Faith – Sharing Group

Join us every Sunday starting on April 21 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. in the OCC Conference Room for an opportunity to connect through genuine conversations about journeys of faith. […]

Reclaiming the Bible

This is "bible study" with a difference. Our goal will be to heal and move beyond the misunderstanding, confusion, hurtful interpretation, oppression, and other ways our bible has been used […]

Overeaters Anonymous

Overeater's Anonymous meets every Sunday in the OCC Lounge from 4:30pm-5:30pm and is an open meeting. OA is a 12 Step recovery community of people who through shared experience, strength, […]

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Dia del los Muertos Service

Sunday, November 3 -- Dia de los Muertos Service 5:00 p.m. in the Church. Join us for a special Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) service as we […]

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Dia de los Muertos Potluck

Día de los Muertos Potluck, Sunday, November 3, in Sweetland Hall directly after the 5:00 p.m. Día de los Muertos service. Women’s Community invites you to bring a dish, and share a meal. We will gather to share food with each other in honor of our loved ones. Share a favorite dish prepared or enjoyed by your loved one who has passed.
