CYF Registration Day

Quad Lawn Available with sign up tables all around for Youth and Children's Registration Day. Location: Sweetland Hall

11:15 Family Hour Summer Schedule

Families of K-5th grade join Ben in the Learning Center after the 10:00 service for Family Hour. Families can drop off or join in the fun with the kids! Location: Learning Center 1, Learning Center 2, Learning Center 3, Learning Center 4, Learning Center 5, Learning Center 6

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Children, Youth and Family Registration Day & Blessing of the Backpacks

Register from 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 11. Learn about Sunday School, Children’s Chapel, Youth Group, Seekers, Acolytes, and Children’s & Youth Choirs – and register for all of these CYF programs, ages 0-18, as we celebrate children and families at All Saints!
