A musical celebration of activists from Pasadena who support human rights globally with activists Catherine Chipembere, Dorothy Garica, and Tom Harding, all of who came through Pacific Oaks College, and musician Masauko. Please RSVP by Nov 28: https://forms.gle/j6eCxtn2Gpt9vCwv5 Information about the event will be sent to registrants at least 24 hours before the event. Location: Forum
In the warm ambience of the candlelit church, Coventry Choir offers motets, carols and canticles of intense, mystical beauty including music of Betinis, Ireland, Lassus, Brahms, Gruberman and Howells. Mike Kinman offers a meditation. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
Trouvères, Vox Cambiata and Youth Chamber Choir, offer music of Chesnekov, Whitacre, Lauridsen, Williams, Bevan and Betinis. Our youth offer a meditation. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
The American Red Cross Blood Drive will take place at All Saints Church on Tuesday, December 13, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., in Sweetland Hall. To schedule your life-saving appointment and for more information, please visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter sponsor code: ASEC.
ALL DONORS AND STAFF WILL BE SCREENED BEFORE ENTERING THE DRIVE. Picture ID Required. Only healthy donors will be allowed inside. Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting RedCrossBlood.org/RapidPass and enter sponsor code: ASEC to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment. All donors who leave their personal e-mail address (Not Work) will be e-mailed a $10.00 Amazon gift card. Location: Atrium, Guild Room, Seminar Room, Sweetland Hall
Canterbury Choir offers traditional carols including Gregorian chant and an Appalachian hymn, and music of Kirchner, Archer, Stanford, and Beamish. Susan Russell offers a meditation. A wonderful way to close the Advent season and prepare for the glory of Christmas. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
Trouvères & Trouvères Alumni offer music; Sally Howard preaches. This is a multilingual Spanish, Mandarin and English service. American Sign Language interpretation available. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
Canterbury Choir and chamber orchestra offer Mass in G Major, D. 167, by Schubert and music of Holst. Mike Kinman preaches. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
Coventry Choir and chamber orchestra offer Mass in B-flat major, D. 324 by Schubert and music of Bainton and Mathias. Mike Kinman preaches. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
This festive Eucharist is a bilingual, Spanish/English service. Bill Cunliffe and Ensemble offer music. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept