Walk the Labyrinth (Lent 2023)

Walk the Labyrinth in Lent “Journey to Jerusalem”…while walking the Labyrinth as a metaphor for your journey throughout Lent: available 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday through April 7,2023 in the Sanctuary's Chancel transept. Come anytime, walk at your own pace, reflect deeply, and listen for God’s still, small voice to embrace you through this Lenten season. For more information please contact Ana Camacho acamacho@allsaints-pas.org Location: Chancel

Vestry Meeting (in person and online)

Regular meeting of the Vestry. Interested members of the parish are welcome to observe the meeting in person (mask optional) or join the Zoom Webinar (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92715673650 public) Location: Guild Room, Seminar Room, Sweetland Hall
