The Great Three Hours – Good Friday Service

Members of the pastoral staff offer five meditations on the meaning of the crucifixion in our own time. Each meditation is part of a fabric of worship and reflection that includes hymns, scripture, prayers and silence. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept

Stations of the Cross

Starting at All Saints and ending at City Hall, we journey through Pasadena and recreate events that encompassed Jesus’ journey carrying his cross from the Hall of Pilate where he was condemned to death to the site of his execution on Golgotha, reflecting, and praying at each station. This is a Bilingual Spanish/English service. Location: Quad Lawn/Cloister


This ancient candlelight service commemorates the somber in-between-time of waiting, offering an opportunity to grieve Jesus’ death and sense a glimmer of hope of the resurrection. Coventry Choir Renaissance Singers offer music. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
