The Forum: The Other America — Housing Disparities and Discrimination in the AAPI Community

The Other America — Housing Disparities and Discrimination in the AAPI Community with Sissy Trinh, and Jason Chu. Sissy Trinh is the founder and Executive Director of the Southeast Asian Community Alliance (SEACA) in Los Angeles. Jason Chu is a rapper and poet. He is a founding member of the Chinese American trap crew NITEMRKT. Location: Forum

Vestry Meeting (in person and online)

Regular meeting of the Vestry. Interested members of the parish are welcome to observe the meeting in person (mask required) or join the Zoom Webinar ( public) Location: Guild Room, Seminar Room, Sweetland Hall

The Forum

Location: Forum

the Forum Black History is The Future: Afrofuturism and the Arts with Yemi Kuku

There are Black People in the future my friends. And one of the most beautiful aspects of this Good News is the way film-makers, poets, photographers and novelists have captured this idea for decades. Join as we discuss the intersection of Afro-Futurism and the arts, and what that intersection has to say to our world. Location: Forum

Vestry Meeting (in person and online)

Regular meeting of the Vestry. Interested members of the parish are welcome to observe the meeting in person (mask optional) or join the Zoom Webinar ( public) Location: Guild Room, Seminar Room, Sweetland Hall

The Forum: Annual Meeting, Part 1

We will be electing new vestry members and diocesan convention reps, hearing from our rector and wardens, getting updates on the strategic direction and Telling the Whole Story work on our land and stained glass windows, and looking ahead to an exciting year to come. Location: Forum

Vestry Meeting

Regular monthly meeting of the Vestry. Interested members of the parish are welcome to observe the meeting. Location: Forum

The Forum

Location: Forum
