Holy Eucharist with Choir: All are welcome! For information go to All Saints Church webpage, www.allsaints-pas.org., Live Stream page. Information posted prior to each week's service. Location: Church
Noon Eucharist: join us in the chapel at All Saints Church at 12:10 on Wednesdays for a simple Eucharist celebration. All are welcome. For more information contact Alfredo Feregrino at aferegrino@allsaints-pas.org Location: Balcony, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
Prayer in the Taize style of worship is quiet and reflective, deeply peaceful and joyful, including simple songs and chants in different languages, readings, silences and prayers. Songs are sung many times over as a prayer of the heart and the focus of this service is on Christ and the cross, reconciliation and prayers for the suffering throughout the world. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
Set in a South American prison cell in a country under authoritarian rule, two polar opposites discover that love may spring in the most unlikely of places. Poignant and chilling, funny and sensual, Manuel Puig’s pinnacle creation runs the thrilling gamut of fantasy, danger and finally – inspiring and eternal hope. Location:
Holy Eucharist with Choir: All are welcome! For information go to All Saints Church webpage, www.allsaints-pas.org., Live Stream page. Information posted prior to each week's service. Location: Church
A beautiful evening service recalls the last supper Jesus shared with his disciples. The congregation is invited to participate in the washing of the feet, symbolic of the servant ministry Jesus instituted with the disciples. This is a bilingual (English/Spanish) service. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
Holy Eucharist with Choir: All are welcome! For information go to All Saints Church webpage, www.allsaints-pas.org., Live Stream page. Information posted prior to each week's service. Location: Church
Members of the pastoral staff offer five meditations on the meaning of the crucifixion in our own time. Each meditation is part of a fabric of worship and reflection that includes hymns, scripture, prayers and silence. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
Starting at All Saints and ending at City Hall, we journey through Pasadena and recreate events that encompassed Jesus’ journey carrying his cross from the Hall of Pilate where he was condemned to death to the site of his execution on Golgotha, reflecting, and praying at each station. This is a Bilingual Spanish/English service. Location: Quad Lawn/Cloister
This ancient candlelight service commemorates the somber in-between-time of waiting, offering an opportunity to grieve Jesus’ death and sense a glimmer of hope of the resurrection. Coventry Choir Renaissance Singers offer music. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
The service begins on the lawn with the kindling of the fire and lighting of the Paschal candle, then proceeds into the church to experience the stories of our faith and to baptize adults by candlelight. You’re invited to bring bells to ring during the Gloria. The journey continues into the church to celebrate the first Eucharist of Easter. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, Quad Lawn/Cloister, South Transept
Noon Eucharist: join us in the chapel at All Saints Church at 12:10 on Wednesdays for a simple Eucharist celebration. All are welcome. For more information contact Alfredo Feregrino at aferegrino@allsaints-pas.org Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
Prayer in the Taize style of worship is quiet and reflective, deeply peaceful and joyful, including simple songs and chants in different languages, readings, silences and prayers. Songs are sung many times over as a prayer of the heart and the focus of this service is on Christ and the cross, reconciliation and prayers for the suffering throughout the world. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
11th century Ladies-in-Waiting Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shonagon are, to this day, two of Japan’s most beloved writers. They also kind of hated each other. This play is about friendship, heartbreak, and what it means to be a female artist. Perhaps most of all, it’s about how no matter how much things change, the more they stay the same… even after a thousand years. Location:
Noon Eucharist: join us in the chapel at All Saints Church at 12:10 on Wednesdays for a simple Eucharist celebration. All are welcome. For more information contact Alfredo Feregrino at aferegrino@allsaints-pas.org Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
Prayer in the Taize style of worship is quiet and reflective, deeply peaceful and joyful, including simple songs and chants in different languages, readings, silences and prayers. Songs are sung many times over as a prayer of the heart and the focus of this service is on Christ and the cross, reconciliation and prayers for the suffering throughout the world. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
Join us on Sunday, April 23, 7:30 p.m. in the Church as the USC Chamber Singers return to All Saints Church with a performance of the stunning Fauré Requiem, featuring Dr. Weicheng Zhao at the organ. All are welcome!
Holy Eucharist with Choir: All are welcome! For information go to All Saints Church webpage, www.allsaints-pas.org., Live Stream page. Information posted prior to each week's service. Location: Church
Noon Eucharist: join us in the chapel at All Saints Church at 12:10 on Wednesdays for a simple Eucharist celebration. All are welcome. For more information contact Alfredo Feregrino at aferegrino@allsaints-pas.org Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
Prayer in the Taize style of worship is quiet and reflective, deeply peaceful and joyful, including simple songs and chants in different languages, readings, silences and prayers. Songs are sung many times over as a prayer of the heart and the focus of this service is on Christ and the cross, reconciliation and prayers for the suffering throughout the world. Location: Balcony, Chancel, Chapel, Church, Columbarium, North Transept, South Transept
Noon Eucharist: join us in the chapel at All Saints Church at 12:10 on Wednesdays for a simple Eucharist celebration. All are welcome. For more information contact Alfredo Feregrino at aferegrino@allsaints-pas.org
Holy Eucharist in Church with Choir at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome! For information go to All Saints Church webpage, www.allsaints-pas.org., Live Stream page. Information posted prior to each week's […]
Noon Eucharist: join us in the chapel at All Saints Church at 12:10 on Wednesdays for a simple Eucharist celebration. All are welcome. For more information contact Alfredo Feregrino at […]
Prayer in the Taize style of worship is quiet and reflective, deeply peaceful and joyful, including simple songs and chants in different languages, readings, silences and prayers. Songs are sung […]