Celebrate the Leadership of the Fabulous Nancy Naecker!

Dear Ones,

When long time parishioner Nancy Naecker joined the All Saints Church staff last spring for a two-year stint as Director of Congregational Development, we knew we were getting the best person for the job … because she had spent the previous eight months designing the job as a volunteer.

What we didn’t know was how quickly time would pass … and that grandchildren change everything!

Nancy finishes up her employment – but thankfully, not her time – at All Saints this Friday. Those two years have been shortened to 16 months so she can spend more time with her new grandchildren. She is going to stay involved shepherding the development of our new website and as advisor in several areas.

When we hired Alfredo Feregrino as Associate Rector, it was in part because of his congregational development expertise – with the idea that he would take over this role. Over the past six months, Nancy and Alfredo have been working together with the Congregational Development Committee to transition him into this work. As we give thanks for all that Nancy has done, we appreciate your support and patience with Alfredo and the rest of the staff as we make this transition, too!

During Nancy’s tenure, she has helped simplify how people can connect at All Saints Church, revitalized the way we invite, engage and follow up with volunteers, worked hard to develop a new generation of ministry leaders, spearheaded the development of a new website and more. I am deeply grateful for all that she has done, even more grateful for who she is, and supremely grateful that she’s not going away!

Please join me in thanking Nancy and wishing her the best in this transition. We will be having a brief acknowledgement and celebration of Nancy and her work this Sunday, August 2 at the coffee hour following the 11:15 a.m. online service. Please be there to help us celebrate!

Con el amor de Cristo,
