Celebration of Ministries, September 23rd

Looking to make a difference … to meet new people … to deepen your faith journey … to discuss a great book … to have a good time … to serve others? Whoever you are and whatever you’re looking for the chances are it will be on display on our quad lawn during our annual Celebration of Ministries — after the 9:00 service and between the 11:15 and 1:00 services!

This is the day the All Saints lawn becomes a veritable sacrament (outward and visible sign) of all the rich, inward and spiritual graces of the multitude of ministries that make up All Saints Church. Find ways to get connected and to serve the community and God through our work in the world. For more information contact Jamie Hebert at jhebert@allsaints-pas.org or 626.583.2765.
