All Saints’ Children, Youth & Families serves families with children from birth to 12th grade through a variety of engaging and inclusive programs.
We celebrate joyful spirituality and radical inclusivity that is embodied as we gather in community here in our programs for young people.
We welcome families of all abilities, races, and genders; we welcome LGBTQIA+ families, foster families, one or many parent families, families of any immigration or housing status, families of all economic stations, and families of all ages.
Please see more information in the links below on our various programs. We look forward to getting to know you and your family!
We ask that all families involved in All Saints programs register on our online system My All Saints. This will help us communicate with you regarding activities, as well as provide us with important emergency contact information.
To register, please create an account and provide information requested. You may also use the link to update any information.
For more information about All Saints’ Children, Youth & Families programs, please contact Amanda Baughman at abaughman@allsaints-pas.org.