Come Together for Thanksgiving!

It is a time of thanksgiving, when we pause to reflect on and celebrate the people and things in our lives that really matter, with gratitude for God’s abundant love and grace. And we hold in our hearts those who struggle, for whom this time is challenging, hoping that they find joy, comfort, and fellowship.

At All Saints Church, we are thankful for the generosity of many people who support the work and witness of this beloved community. Pledges of annual support, special gifts of recognition and celebration, planned gifts that envision and support All Saints’ future — all spring from people’s need to express in a tangible way their belief in All Saints’ mission to walk with a revolutionary Jesus …. for the healing and transformation of the world.

Over the last several weeks, generous parishioners told us their stories, their reasons for belonging to this community, and why they provide financial support to All Saints Church. Each of them asked you to do the same. We have taken highlights from each witness and compiled them into a short video to remind you of their messages of commitment, gratitude, hope, and love. The music you’ll hear is “Glory” from the motion picture Selma, performed by the combined All Saints children and youth choirs at their spring concert. Please take a few minutes to watch and reflect, and to be reminded of the beauty that exists in this remarkable community.

To watch the video click here or on the picture above.

Make your pledge for 2020 here:
