From Conditions to Crisis: The Reverend Traci Blackmon

America is a nation that responds well to crisis. When crisis come, whether they be environmental, like the fires of California or the flooding of Southern states, or natural, as in the recent hurricanes that destroyed inlands and islands, or bombings in neighboring countries … we respond well to crisis.

We have protocol in place for crisis. We have reserve funding set aside in the event of emergencies. We triage. We act. And we move masses until the cause and the effect of crisis are under control.

But our collective response to life-threatening conditions that plague our society are not treated with the same urgency or attention. What will it take for the social ills of our society to be seen and addressed as the moral and spiritual crisis they indeed are?

Join us in the Rector’s Forum on Sunday, January 14 beginning at 10:15 a.m. as we gather to be inspired by the Reverend Traci Blackmon. Acting Executive Minister of Justice & Witness Ministries of The United Church of Christ and Senior Pastor of Christ The King United Church of Christ in Florissant, Missouri Reverend Blackmon’s communal leadership and work in the aftermath of the killing of Michael Brown, Jr., in Ferguson, MO, has gained her both national and international recognition and audiences from the White House to the Carter Center to the Vatican. A long-time friend of our rector Mike Kinman, we are thrilled to welcome her to All Saints at this important time for this important Forum.

If you can’t be with us in person, join us via live-stream. Directions to All Saints Church here. For more information call 626.796.1172
