Give an Easter Gift to All Saints Church

Come together. Go and tell.
Help All Saints share Easter love today!

“But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him.”  – Mark 16:7

The first instructions given to the women after being shown that Christ is risen? “Go!” Go and tell. Go … out there!

A risen Christ, a love who could not be stopped even by death, is not a love who wants us to stay still. A risen Christ urges us to go and meet Christ “out there” … promising the radical love that God is always ahead of us to meet us wherever our Galilee is.

Our All Saints community and our beautiful building can be a wonderful sanctuary, a place to come and rest and experience the love of God in Christ. That is a good and holy thing. And still, our church must always be, first and foremost, a launching pad. A place where we can experience that love and be sent into the world not just to spread the love of Christ, but to meet Jesus “out there.”

This is the life and work of Christ here at All Saints Church. Always has been. Always will. This is why we come together … not just for solace, but for strength. We are the Body of Christ not just when we are together in worship, but even more so when together we leave, when we go and meet Christ in strange and amazing – and sometimes even scary – places in the world.

This Easter, let’s come together at All Saints Church and breathe in God’s love. Let’s come together and rejoice loudly, sing joyfully and love deeply. Let’s come together so we can be sent together. In joy. In peace. In love.

Your generosity this Easter is crucial. Please give a special Easter gift to support All Saints Church’s continual charge of sharing love in with the world. Click on this link to give today.

Thank you!

