End-of-Summer Community Book Read with EDS: Part I – September 18

Mike Kinman and Juliana Serrano are at the Episcopal Divinity School (EDS) at Union Theological Seminary in New York City to take part in EDS at Union’s community discussion of “No Ashes in the Fire” by Darnell Moore — on Wednesday, September 18. This event is the first in a partnership between All Saints and EDS that has been forged over the past year by EDS Dean Kelly Brown Douglas and Mike — in an effort to bring our respective resources together for theological exploration and innovation in mission, to create new possibilities for the church and for the world.

The September 18th event in New York will be streamed live here at 3:00 p.m. PDT. (Scroll down just a bit to the video box once on the page — it’s free!)

In the words of Dean Douglas: “(Moore’s) story traverses many intersections that must be theologically wrestled with – race, poverty, sexual identity, toxic masculinity – and the ambiguous role that faith often plays in these journeys.… His honest witness calls us to grapple with the long shadow of patriarchal and heterosexist biblical interpretation and theology. His story is made all the more powerful by the way he connects his own personal liberation, his coming out story, to his role as one of the early leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement.”

All Saints will hold its own community discussion of Moore’s book on Sunday, September 29, from 2:30-4:00 p.m., to be moderated by Mike and Juliana. All are welcome — and encouraged to read this powerful and provocative book — which you can order from Vroman’s Bookstore here! The All Saints discussion on September 29 will also be live streamed at https://allsaints-pas.org/live-stream/.

 Watch Trevor Noah interview Moore here – https://youtu.be/H9_v1gFCu2s
