Faith in Action: August 23 – Protect the USPS

Each week at All Saints Church we put our faith into action and this week we invite you to send a message to your members of Congress urging the adoption of the Delivering for America Act to protect the USPS and stop voter suppression.

Attempts are currently being made to disenfranchise millions of voters by undermining their faith in the USPS to reliably return ballots to election officials. The current Post Master General has eliminated employee overtime and removed mail sorting machines to slow down the mail service before November.

However, thanks to people power, it was announced that the USPS will maintain service through the election – but that’s not enough. Congress still needs to step up and fully fund the postal service now and reverse as much as possible the destructive actions taken by the Post Master General.

No one should have to choose between their health and their vote. Despite propaganda to the contrary, there is no evidence that vote-by-mail leads to election fraud of any kind. Congress needs to act immediately to fund the USPS, people’s lives and our democracy depend on it.

Sign here to urge Congress to pass the Delivering for America Act to protect the USPS and stop voter suppression
