Faith in Action: August 30 – Tell Congress to End Qualified Immunity

Each week we put our faith into action and this week we invite you to call your Representatives and Senators and tell them to end qualified immunity. Tell then to pass H.R.7085 in the House and S.4142 in the Senate, the Ending Qualified Immunity Act.

The legal doctrine of qualified immunity makes it nearly impossible to hold government officials – like law enforcement officers – liable for violating a person’s civil rights, denying justice to countless families and victims of violence against Black Americans. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, qualified immunity “makes excessive force cases a steep uphill battle. … When you have to prove a ‘clearly established’ violation, the task becomes all but impossible because the Supreme Court keeps raising the bar. This further disempowers those injured or killed by police, and their surviving families.”

Qualified immunity has been repeatedly used to deny justice to people whose civil rights were violated by government officials such as law enforcement officers.

We must take back our ability to address civil rights violations as government officials “acting in good faith” don’t always have our back when we need justice.

Click here to call and tell Congress: Protect our civil rights. End qualified immunity.
