Faith in Action: August 9 – Oppose Nuclear Testing & Support Nuclear Disarmament

All Saints has long been in the forefront of the work of nuclear disarmament. In 1979 Rector Emeritus George Regas was one of the co-founders of the Interfaith Center to Reverse the Arms Race. And in 1995 — the 50th anniversary of the bombings — the late Clarke Oler preached a sermon entitled “Children of the Atomic Bomb” and was quoted in this L.A. Times article:

  • “We are all ‘children of the atomic bomb’ in respect to the terrible burden that the destructive power of those weapons, now multiplied a million times, has placed upon our hearts and conscience,” Oler said.

Every week we put our faith into action at All Saints Church and this week on the 75th anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6th and 9th respectively), we invite you to continue that work by signing two petitions to Congress opposing nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Testing: The first petition supports legislation that prohibits funds for explosive nuclear weapons testing. According to recent reports, the Trump Administration considered conducting nuclear explosion tests with top security officials. Following through on this would upend a decades long moratorium on nuclear testing. A reckless and dangerous action that has the potential to trigger a global nuclear arms race. Fortunately, the Trump Administration does not have the power to resume nuclear testing on its own. Tests like these require money, which Congress would need to authorize. Please click on this link:

Sign the petition: Demand Congress prohibit funds for nuclear testing!

Nuclear Disarmament: The second petition originates from the Hibakusha, survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. It is part of a worldwide petition that calls for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons. At present, humanity stands at the crossroads of whether to save our planet with all living things on it or to go along the road of self-destruction. With this petition, we are demanding that our U.S. Federal lawmakers pledge for global nuclear disarmament and work towards the elimination of all nuclear weapons as we fight for a livable future for all communities around the Earth. Please click on this link:

Sign the petition: Demand Nuclear Disarmament!
