Faith in Action: May 31 – Oppose Israeli Annexation of Palestinian Land

Each week we put our faith into action at All Saints Church — and this week we are inviting signatures on a petition urging the U.S. Senate to take a strong and clear stand against Israel’s planned annexation of parts of the West Bank. The petition — started by the LA Diocese Program Group on Global Partnerships (PGGP) Jerusalem Committee at Change.Org — reads as follows:

As people of faith, we support the rights of Jews, Muslims and Christians, as well as persons of other or no particular faith, to live in peace in the Land we call Holy.

As your constituents, we ask that you to take a strong and clear stand against Israel’s planned annexation of their illegal settlements and much or all of Oslo Area C in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. 

Unilateral annexation would have a devastating impact on a peaceful and just solution to the conflict in Israel-Palestine. It would further the disenfranchisement of the Palestinians and cut off the chance of their having a viable, contiguous state.

With the exception of the Trump Administration, the world sees annexation as a direct violation of international law and conventions. Even if certain states will be cowed into silence and turn a deaf ear to the Palestinians’ call for justice, the United States should not.

Instead of remaining silent or supporting annexation, you and all other members of Congress must speak out for a resolution of the conflict that will result in equality and human rights for all in Israel and Palestine. 

Should Israel proceed with annexing parts of the West Bank, Congress must move quickly to ensure that the U.S. will not provide any material, financial or logistic support for Israel’s action. 

Please do everything in your power to ensure that the U.S. does not support the annexation of Palestinian land.  Don’t let the chaos surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic be a cover for the confiscation of Palestinian land or the Palestinians’ future.

Click here to sign the petition and add  your voice

Additional resources:

Southland Episcopalians petition to halt Israel’s annexation of Palestinian land

A labor of love, an issue of justice: Vivien Sansour protects Palestine’s seeds

