Faith in Action: Protect California Tenants

Every Sunday we put our Faith into Action at All Saints Church and this Sunday we invite you to call on Governor Newsom to take further action to protect all California tenants facing lost income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Governor made progress for renters last month when he delayed eviction proceedings by at least 60 days. And while we’re grateful for his actions thus far, we know that existing protections don’t go far enough to keep Californians housed.

Therefore in addition, we are asking Governor Newsom to do the following:

  • Cancel late fees for all properties receiving state mortgage assistance
  • Require repayment plans be offered to tenants before eviction proceedings can begin
  • And, ensure that after the crisis is over tenants won’t be evicted due to lost income

California can’t afford a new era of housing insecurity as a result of COVID-19.

CLICK ON THIS LINK to sign the petition to Governor Newson, calling on him to protect California tenants. 
