Each week we put our faith into action and this week we invite you to support a bill in Congress that would implement a nationwide eviction moratorium. August rent is now due for many, but unlike every other month since this pandemic began, the supplementary unemployment benefits that millions of Americans have been relying on have run out. So are eviction moratoriums in dozens of states.
Congress is currently gridlocked on another stimulus package. Meanwhile, our nation is barreling toward a cliff that we cannot afford to fall from. Millions of Americans are staring at the potentiality of being evicted from their homes. Mass evictions won’t just be bad for the economy. With COVID-19 cases rising all over the country, kicking millions of families to the curb will only make this horrible pandemic worse.
This week please support a nationwide eviction moratorium while Congress works on a stimulus. It will prevent millions of families from being kicked out onto the street in the middle of a pandemic. Please click on the link below.
Tell Congress: Pass the eviction moratorium bill to protect struggling families!