Faith in Action: Sunday, November 15 – Show Support for Refugees

Every week at All Saints Church we put our faith into action. This week we are asking our members of Congress to expand support for refugees.

For Fiscal Year 2021, the Trump Administration has set the refugee admissions ceiling at 15,000. This is the lowest level of refugee admissions since the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program began 40 years ago, and it represents continued efforts to dismantle the historically bipartisan refugee resettlement program. In a world where there are over 29.6 million refugees, children, women, and men forced to flee their homes, this severe reduction in admissions will further harm the world’s most vulnerable.

The U.S. refugee resettlement program has historically had an average refugee admissions ceiling of 95,000. Continued cuts to refugee admissions mean family members will be separated from each other, LGBTQ persons will continue to be targets of violence, and persecuted religious minorities will be threatened and further harmed. Offering resettlement to these individuals reflects this nation’s highest ideals of freedom and opportunity.

Please let your members of Congress know you support welcoming refugees!


Learn more:
A Roadmap to Rebuilding the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program

The Episcopal Church has many ways of reaching out to and supporting refugees. Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) leads The Episcopal Church’s refugee resettlement, educating and connecting with congregations who wish to offer this type of ministry, and providing resources to support communities. EMM and its various partners ensure that resettled refugees receive critical resources to start a new life: a furnished apartment, language training, employment training, cultural orientation, medical services, and more. Once refugees arrive in their new communities, they become vibrant contributors who enrich our churches, schools, and local economies.

You can donate to EMM’s work here.
