Faith in Action: Sunday, September 13 – Protect Bald Eagles

Each week we put our faith into action and this week we invite you to add your voice in this time sensitive action by sending a comment to the Bureau of Land Management opposing oil and gas leases in Colorado.

Monday, September 14, is the final day for comments.

The Bureau of Land Management plans to offer thousands of acres of land in Colorado for oil and gas drilling. This could pollute the rivers and contribute to air pollution. It would cause irreparable harm to wetlands and riparian areas — greatly impacting wildlife.

This plan puts our nation’s bird at risk. Bald eagle territories in Colorado are already being harmed by Big Oil. Further land leases will only drive them closer to extinction. The Bald Eagle is often seen near large reservoirs and rivers in Colorado, but its numbers are dwindling. If the Bureau moves forward with its proposed lease sale, eagles’ habitat will be filled with oil rigs and drillers. Not only will this harm the beauty of Colorado’s natural land, it will likely force bald eagles from their nests. These eagles require habitats that allow them to rest without being bothered. Fracking on these lands will also harm elk, mule deer, pronghorn sheep, numerous waterfowl and ferruginous hawks. All their habitats will be destroyed.

In addition to causing harm to wildlife, this public land sell-off could cause harm to local Indigenous communities who are disproportionately at risk from these new fossil fuel projects. The Bureau of Land Management is holding virtual public meetings during the pandemic to push land leases forward. But less than 12% of Indigenous people in Colorado have access to broadband internet resulting ineffectively silencing their voices through a corrupt process.

Demand the Bureau of Land Management stop oil and gas leasing in Colorado that will threaten wildlife and indigenous communities.
