Featured Ministry: Community Care Alliance

On Healing Sunday, January 8, our featured ministry will be All Saints’ Community Care Alliance, which will offer a Forum at 9:00 a.m. on “The Healing We All Need: Seeking and Providing Healing in Our Beloved Community.” Taking care of one another has a huge impact on how we heal. We all have gifts and passions that can support and care for our community. This Forum will offer an update on how the Community Care Alliance is activating — and reach out to you for what you think will make a difference and how you want to participate. No act of care is too small to make an impact among the All Saints Beloved Community.

The Community Care Alliance collaborates with All Saints members, the Pastoral Care/Congregational Development staff, small groups, and ministry leaders to assist in the mission of being Beloved Community and to expand All Saints’ practice of pastoral care. All Saints Church is a large congregation that offers a cornucopia of resources, support, and volunteer opportunities. The Community Care Alliance is here to help locate resources, to offer support during difficult times, and to connect needs, talents and gifts within the community.

Do you want to be involved at All Saints but aren’t sure how? Do you have a special interest or gift that you want to let us know about? Do you have a specific need that we can try to help you with? Do you want to volunteer for the Community Care Alliance? Contact us!

For more information visit the Commuity Care Alliance web page, or come to our table on the lawn on Sunday!

To contact the Community Care Alliance, please email communitycare@allsaints-pas.org.
