Featured Ministry: Food Ministry

Each week we feature one ministry from the many that make up the work and witness of All Saints Church … and this week we feature the Food Ministry with this reflection from ministry member Susan Adkins.

Every Monday morning the All Saints campus bustles with activity as we welcome 70 to 110 low‐income and housing insecure men, women, and children to receive food, toiletries, clothing, and social service referrals. Assisted by a faithful team of volunteers, guests share both food and fellowship. Susan Adkins is one of those volunteers:

“About two years ago, I stopped by on a Monday morning to help with the Food Ministry’s ‘Breakfast with the Church’ (which is what one of our guests calls it). I felt a deep connection and joy that morning that still continues! Such a wonderful way to start the week welcoming men, women, sometimes children and occasionally even tail-wagging dogs!

I love the conversations, laughter, hugs, story telling and sometimes even tears – not just with the Food Ministry team but with so many of our guests as well. The blessings we all give each other transcends any of society’s ‘labels’ … a wonderful reminder that without a doubt, we are all one human family!”

For more information on the Food Ministry stop by their Featured Ministry table on the lawn this Sunday, visit their webpage … which includes a list of most-needed items for donation — or contact Ada Ramirez at aramirez@allsaints-pas.org or 626.583.2734.
