Featured Ministry: Interfaith Study Group

Each week we feature one of the many ministries that make up the work and witness of All Saints Church. This week we feature the Interfaith Study Group (ISG). The ISG was founded in 2007 as a joint effort by All Saints Church, the Islamic Center of Southern California, and the Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center to learn and appreciate the commonalities and differences between our religious faiths. The ISG meets on the second Sunday of each month between September and June from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

During the “Safer at Home” period, all meetings are on Zoom. The ISG is committed to respectful and balanced engagement and meetings are opened to all.

On Sunday, May 16, 2021, 5:00 –6:00 p.m. on Zoom, the Interfaith Study Group will offer “Role of Women in Religion.” Please join our panelists: Rev. Susan Russell, All Saints Church Pasadena, Aviva Rosenbloom, Cantor Emerita, Temple Israel of Hollywood, and Laila Al-Marayati, MD., Muslim Community Activist, as they discuss the expanding role of women in the religious lives of Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Link to join: https://pjtc-net.zoom.us/j/95822784181?pwd=aHJCZzZLazdVWnpxbHc3Z3NJbDNlZz09. Meeting ID: 958 2278 4181 l Passcode: 919020

Ministry Leaders are John Hyde – All Saints Church, Jane El Farra – Member of the Islamic Center of Southern California and Gail Gendler – Member of Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center.

Read Barbara Mayerhauser‘s pre-pandemic reflection on the Interfaith Study Group: https://allsaints-pas.org/featured-ministry-interfaith-study-group/. Meetings are now virtual, but the experience is rich.

For more information, please contact Christine Cox at (626) 583-2765 or ccox@allsaints-pas.org.
